The Tree Of Life

7 Sep

All throughout the tropic and subtropics countries, the use of  coconut is well-known because of its versatility. Coconut is not an ordinary tree because it contain large amount of water. Coconut water is the best drinking juice in the whole world; sweet and healthy. Drinking coconut juice can decrease the risk of having kidney problem. If a coconut fruit is dried in some countries they sell it as copra. Copras are used to make oil, soap, food and medicines. Coconut leaves are  usually used as roof of houses in Philippines. This site gives an explanation on how the coconut trunks can be made into furniture and house construction materials. And the  roots has a medicinal benefit for treatment of diarrhea.

Some developed countries used to export coconut juice in a can or bottle. Truly a tree of life from leaves to roots you can use it any possible way. When I was a child we use to play with coconut leaves and make  a ball or watch out of it. Now I love drinking coconut juice.

Here are the parts and uses of the coconut tree.


The coconut palm can grow to as tall as a third-storey building. It is a sight to see in  gardens and on the beaches. The coconut palm can be found all over the world specially along the tropical regions.


Coconut leaves can be used as roof and house walling. Depending on how creative you are, home decors can be made out of these leaves also.


The fruit of the tree has a wide variety of uses. The meat of the fruit can be made to candies, copra, and can be eaten directly from the its husk. The water is so nutritious that when taken most often, can clean your kidneys.


Trunks can be  made to building materials. There are shelters that are made from the trunks of the coconut palm.


The roots of the coconut trees are applied to make medicine for diarrhea. A piece of the root when boiled is good for a mouthwash and toothbrush.

Whenever you are in a deserted island, you can be save by a coconut.  It can give you food and drink to sustain life. Now you know how versatile is the tree of life.

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